When my mother inlaw had to leave my plan was to send Gavin off to a different friends house each day and I would just take care of myself. I had it all lined up, Wednesday-Tami's, Thursday-Sheri's, Friday-Stephanie's. They had all generously said yes to taking care of my son for three days. But Wednesday morning their was a knock at the door. I was pretty drugged up and not real coherent, so I just stayed in bed. I figure it was probably just UPS or something. But the knocking didn't stop, so I stumbled out of bed and made my way slowly to the door. When I opened the door it took me a minute to register who was standing in front of me. It was my sister Lisa! She had surprised me by flying in from Michigan to take care of me. She talked to my mother in law the day before on the phone and when she heard what a hard time I was having decided she needed to come. She got off the phone and told Shawn what was going on any he told her to go and he would take care of the kids and everything else she was suppose to do that week (which by the way was a pretty long list.) So she dropped everything and jump on a plane. I was so happy to see her. I wrapped my arms around her and started crying. I managed to whisper, "I'm so happy you're here!" She took me back to bed and told me to make a list of everything I needed her to do. She was amazing! She took Gavin to and from school, did my grocery shopping, she stuffed, addressed, and mailed my Christmas cards, she did laundry, cleaned my house, cooked the meals, cleaned up my throw up (SICK!), she even did some of my Christmas shopping that I wasn't able to get done before my surgery. The list goes on and on.... I truly believe she was an answer to my prayers. I really didn't know how I was going to make in through the next few days on my own. I could hardly pull myself out of bed to go to the bathroom and was in constant pain. My Heavenly Father knew what I needed and sent me my own personal angel. Thanks you Lisa and Shawn sooooo much for making those sacrifices for me!
Thanks to all for your care and love! Have a Very Merry Christmas!!
That is awesome that Lisa flew in! I'm glad that you had so much help. Hope that you're feeling better! :)
Seriously crying, what an awesome sister. Hope you are feeling better. It took me a good 4 weeks before I felt back to normal, but my throat hasn't felt this good in years!
Way to start my morning out with a good cry. What a answer to prayer. Your sister sounds very supportive and also her husband to just let her take off like that. I'm glad you have such an amazing family. Hope you are feeling better.
Glad you're doing better. You had me worried.
Taking care of you was so much easier than taking care of kids...even if you did have a long list! : )
Really, I was so glad to be with you, I felt so helpless from that far away.
Wow! What a good big sis! Everyone needs a sister like that (and all those ff miles so she could just hop on a plane). I am glad you are feeling better. When Steve came over he said you were in a lot of pain, but that was the day of, and I had heard the pains gets worse in adults. I am back in town and must come over. Sorry I didn't even get to be a helper!! But sounds like you have sooo many people who love you that you were well taken care of.
I wish I could have been here to help you! Lisa is the best sister ever! I'm so glad to hear that she came to take care of you...I was worried about you! So glad you are feeling better and that everyone got to take care of you for once...instead of the other way around! Hope you had a great Christmas!
So glad the worst is over and happy that you had all the wonderful help. Lisa did so well, I guess I'll forgive her for not blogging since Nov. 19.
I had no idea you had your tonsils out until today. It sounds like you had a rough recovery. I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. I hope you guys had a great Christmas.
WOW! That surgery was the worst as a kid and I know its so much harder on adults. I can't believe Lisa was on your door step, how sweet!
Hang in there, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Lisa is amazing. Now I know what I have to do to get her to come and visit. I am so sorry it was such a nasty recovery for you. I hope you are back to feeling a little more normal very soon!!
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