Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

I share both a name and a birthday with my grandpa.When my parents found out my due date was so close to my grandpa's birthday they decided that would be the day. Well, they were right and I was born on April 18th and named Arah Debra Shumway after my grandpa Arah DeVar Shumway. Not many girls can say they were named after their Grandpa. I'm proud to share his name and his birthday. Happy 88th birthday Grandpa! I love you!!


Autumn said...

I never knew you were named after your cool! Hope you (and Grandpa) had a great day!! xoxo

KerrieLeigh said...

I was going to say exactly what Autumn did! I love your name, however, I still have a hard time calling you by that name....Debbie!

Unknown said...

That is so sweet. We just gave our baby Abbi the middle name of her grandpa Ray. Your grandpa is a cute little guy. It made me cry reading this post because I thought the world of my gramps as i'm sure you do too. So special that you can share his name. I love your name the way!!

Rochelle said...

That is so sweet! Grandpa's are the best!

Tanya said...

Luv the name Arah! Happy b-day also!

Unknown said...

I didn't know you were named after your Grandpa. I have a hard time calling you Arah also but it is such a cool name.

Lauren said...

Happy belated! Grandpa is great and I'm sure you are, too! :)

Sonja said...

I never knew that about you Arah! How cool is that? What a great namesake!