Sunday, October 19, 2008

More fall fun! Well, sort of...

We also went to Gardner Village which wasn't quite as much fun. I think going during UEA was a big mistake. It was crazy busy! The kids had fun seeing the witches, but the moms didn't have much fun with the crowds. I guess it's all about the kids though, right? I couldn't get any good pictures or Gavin with the witches, because apparently they were too ugly. Gavin's exact words when asking him to move closer to the witch, "No mom, she's too ugly!"

Gavin and Mommy

Yes, this is the best I could do

Lincoln and Gavin

Time for lunch


Lisa said...

You look great! Ugh though, there are only very certain times when I can stand crowds!

Unknown said...

I went on Saturday with Summer it was really crowded but Summer had a great time.

KerrieLeigh said...

Big crowds make me claustrophobic! Glad the kids at least had fun.

Jana said...

That looks like so much fun. I love the fall for all the fun outdoor activities.

Updates From The Outback said...

Sorry it was to busy, but it still looked like fun.The pictures are great.