Friday, September 28, 2007

Let's Put It To a Vote

Today was picture day and a couple of weeks ago I decided that I was going to get Gavin's hair cut short right after pictures. But I took him to get a trim a week before pics and the lady totally butchered him. Luckily I was able to find a neighbor to clean it up, but I was still very unhappy about it being cut so short, b/c I wanted at least one school picture of him with his long hair. Anyway the point of this story is that I can't decide what to do now, so I'm putting it to a vote. I know many of you have very strong opinions on this matter (Grandma Gibby) so if you want your opinion heard then place your vote. Long, in between, or short (I don't have a picture of him with short hair so you'll have to just imagine it). And remember your vote counts;-) P.S. Don't pay attention to his cheesy smile, just look at the hair.


GmaJudy said...

Hi, I love your blog. I vote for the medium hair cut, but I think he looks cute all ways. I just like to see his adorable blue eyes. GmaJudy

Lisa said...

I vote for short. I love your old Christmas picture from a couple years ago where it's short; he looks so handsome and you can see his beautiful eyes and smile!

Melissa said...

My vote is for short, and Josh's is for buzzed.

Updates From The Outback said...

I like the hair cut in the bottom picture best. He's awfully good looking any way you look at it!

GmaJudy said...

Duane wanted me to put in a vote for him, he likes the short haircut, like his Dad's.

TamiRichins said...

I like it medium, like it is now. However I am really curious to see it short. He has good hair (no calics) so the possibilities are endless.

The Stringham's said...

Am I the ONLY one who likes it long? WOW-it looks so cool like that! Oh well, I'll probably get out voted.

shellie said...

Aunt Shellie said he looks cute with long hair. What a handsome boy

Julee said...

he is a cutie no matter what you do with his hair, but I still have a very strong opinion that his hair looks best either long or short, I am not a fan of inbetween and keep in mind that I have seen him in person so my vote counts for 3

Unknown said...

I vote for short, so we can see his handsome face! You will also save on chiropractic bills in the future :)

Unknown said...

Grandma Gibby says that he is wonderful and handsome no matter what, as long as he can see well and his hair does't cover his eyes "Its all good". I love your blog! Luv ya, Gramma G.

Unknown said...

The Hawaii Gibby Family says leave it long and natural!! He looks like a surfer. ~Akea & Hekili

Ryan Blad said...

I say meduim hair cut. I love the new cut in this picture. No matter what I will want to squish him next time I see you guys.

Unknown said...

Arah, I'm so glad Steve told me about your blog. I can't even believe how big Gavin is. I don't know the short hair cut, but I love it long if I'm not to late!!! Such a cute family. :)