Thursday, June 4, 2009


Neglect: disregard: lack of attention and due care

If my blog was a child, Child Services would have taken it away from me. My goal this summer is to stop neglecting my poor blog. This is the only journal I keep and I really what to do a blurb book every year. I've also missed catching up on friends blogs.

So this is me recommitting. I have a ton to catch up on. so hopefully I can do that over the next week or so and then just work on maintaining. Wish me luck.


Danelle said...

Your sister, Lisa, has the same problem. Would you please tell that girl to update! I'm in the boonies and need some reports.

Jana said...

Your trip sounded like so much fun. Next time I want to go!!! It was great seeing you. Come to MI so I can see more. :)

Updates From The Outback said...

That was a great job. How about doint my blog for me?