Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tourist In My Hometown

It was strange to visit my hometown and not have a home to go home to. When my parents left on their mission they rented out the home I was born and raised in for 18 years. So while we were in Blanding we stayed at the Super 8, ate at The Old Timer restaurant and even visited the Edge of The Cedars Museum. It was actually kind of fun to visit Blanding from the tourists perspective. I saw good old Blanding in a different light.


Danelle said...

I appreciate that Shawn is censoring his statue imitation. Thanks Shawn.


KerrieLeigh said...

It's weird to be there without a home, huh? Sounds like you guys had a good trip.

Melissa said...

That would be strange to go home and not be able to go home. It looks like a fun tourist spot.

sladefamilyaz said...

I had the exact same experience after my parents went on their mission. It is strange, isn't it? I'm so glad you and your Grandfather got to spend your birthdays together!

Updates From The Outback said...

How did the ol' homestead look?